About This Site

Architecture Tours - Henrietta St
Architecture Tours – Henrietta Street, Dublin

Dublin Places to Visit provides a comprehensive guide to places to visit in Dublin. It also includes a selection of attractions in adjoining counties (Kildare, Louth, Meath and Wicklow).

www.dublinplacestovisit.com is not a commercial venture. It is a “social enterprise”, a good will initiative designed to make a positive contribution to tourism, especially in Dublin and the adjoining counties.

All information has been gleaned from official websites.

The website is designed, written and edited on a totally voluntary basis by Seán Silke.

Layout and Design Copyright © 2013-2024, Seán Silke

Thanks to Wikipedia for many of the featured photographs.

To report incorrect information on this website, please email [email protected]

The text for all entries on Dublin Places to Visit can be found in one continuous PDF document (which you can print out and keep handy). Many visitors to the site like to use this document (online) as a quick way of scanning all the places to visit and selecting a place to visit in a short space of time.

To view this PDF document, please consult the menu at the top right hand of any page on this site (excluding the Home page). The last item in the menu is called “Download complete list” and this option allows you to access a summarised version of all the information on the site in one fell swoop.

Those with an enthusiasm for visiting historic houses and gardens will be interested in a list compiled by the Revenue Commissioners. The document lists properties which gain tax relief on money spent on repairs, restoration and maintenance. Such properties are known as S.482 properties. In return for the tax concessions, these properties/gardens must open to the public for a limited number of days each year. The opening hours tend to be eccentric; hence, the need for a detailed listing! For full details, please consult www.revenue.ie (you need to scroll down the Revenue page to the “Further Information” section to find the S.482 listing).

The Revenue document is a lengthy continuous list. A more user-friendly website which covers many (but not all) historic houses with restricted opening hours is www.ihh.ie, the website of the Irish Historic Houses Association. Very full details, including opening hours, are provided for all those houses affiliated to the IHHA and you can search by county to identify historic houses within geographic areas of interest.

Open House Dublin is an annual weekend festival in early October featuring up to 100 noteworthy buildings, from the obvious to the overlooked. Representing a diversity of building types and uses, OHD offers visitors the chance to explore several buildings within a type or to spend the weekend moving around the city, taking in a host of attractions. Each venue offers a unique insight into Dublin’s architectural story. All OHD tours are free. See http://openhousedublin.com/ for full details.

“Bridges of Dublin” is a Dublin City Council project whereby a comprehensive digital archive of information has been developed about the bridges spanning the Liffey in Dublin county. www.bridgesofdublin.ie is a wonderful-looking website with a host of historical information, splendid photographs and neat features such as a set of photos showing the bridges and the city as they were in the past and how they are in the summer of 2013 (you click on the images and they fade from old to new – click on “Historical Dublin” and select the “Then and Now” option).